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邮          箱:chengshiya@126.com

职          称:教授





程世亚,武汉大学泰康医学院(基础医学院)教授,泰康生命医学中心PI。主要研究卵母细胞成熟与早期胚胎发育。以第一作者/共同第一作者在Science、PLOS Biology、Journal of Cell Biology等期刊上发表论文多篇。深度合作的论文也发表在Cell、Nature等期刊上。


2005-2009 四川大学,生命科学学院,生命科学与技术基地班,学士

2009-2014 北京协和医学院/北京生命科学研究所,生物化学与分子生物学专业,博士


2014-2016 北京生命科学研究所,博士后

2016-2024 马克斯·普朗克多学科科学研究所,博士后

2024-至今 武汉大学,泰康医学院(基础医学院),教授

2024-至今 武汉大学,泰康生命医学中心PI


2023 国家级人才项目

2023 湖北省人才项目

2016欧洲分子生物学组织博士后奖学金 (EMBO Long-Term Fellowship)




1. Cheng, S. and Schuh, M. (2024). Translational control of prophase I arrest in mouse oocytes. Nat Commun. (Under revision)

2. Cheng, S.#, Altmeppen, G.#, So, C., Welp, L.M., Penir, S., Ruhwedel, T., Menelaou, K., Harasimov, K., Stützer, A., Blayney, M., Elder, K., Möbius, W., Urlaub, H., and Schuh, M. (2022). Mammalian oocytes store mRNAs in a mitochondria-associated membraneless compartment. Science 378, eabq4835.

3. Zaffagnini, G., Cheng, S., Salzer, M.C., Pernaute, B., Duran, J.M., Irimia, M., Schuh, M., Böke, E. (2024). Mouse oocytes sequester aggregated proteins in degradative super-organelles. Cell 187, 1109-1126.e21.

4. Fu, L., Weiskopf, E.N., Akkermans, O., Swanson, N.A., Cheng, S., Schwartz, T.U., and Gorlich, D. (2024). HIV-1 capsids enter the FG phase of nuclear pores like a transport receptor. Nature 626, 843-851.

5. Harasimov, K., Gorry, R.L., Welp, L.M., Penir, S., Horokhovskyi, Y., Cheng, S., Takaoka, K., Stützer, A., Frombach, A., Taylor-Tavares, A.L., Raabe, M., Haag, S., Saha, D., Grewe, K., Schipper, V., Rizzoli, S.O., Urlaub, H., Liepe, J., Schuh, M. (2024). The maintenance of oocytes in the mammalian ovary involves extreme protein longevity. Nat Cell Biol.

6. So, C.#, Cheng, S.#, and Schuh, M. (2021). Phase Separation during Germline Development. Trends Cell Biol 31, 254-268.

7. Hu, J.#, Cheng, S.#, Wang, H., Li, X., Liu, S., Wu, M., Liu, Y., and Wang, X. (2019). Distinct roles of two myosins in C. elegans spermatid differentiation. PLoS Biol 17, e3000211.

8. Cheng, S., Liu, K., Yang, C., and Wang, X. (2017). Dissecting Phagocytic Removal of Apoptotic Cells in Caenorhabditis elegans. Methods Mol Biol 1519, 265-284.

9. Cheng, S., Wang, K., Zou, W., Miao, R., Huang, Y., Wang, H., and Wang, X. (2015). PtdIns(4,5)P(2) and PtdIns3P coordinate to regulate phagosomal sealing for apoptotic cell clearance. J Cell Biol 210, 485-502.

10. Wu, Y., Cheng, S., Zhao, H., Zou, W., Yoshina, S., Mitani, S., Zhang, H., and Wang, X. (2014). PI3P phosphatase activity is required for autophagosome maturation and autolysosome formation. Embo Rep 15, 973-981.

11. Cheng, S., Wu, Y., Lu, Q., Yan, J., Zhang, H., and Wang, X. (2013). Autophagy genes coordinate with the class II PI/PtdIns 3-kinase PIKI-1 to regulate apoptotic cell clearance in C. elegans. Autophagy 9, 2022-2032.

12. Wang, H., Lu, Q., Cheng, S., Wang, X., and Zhang, H. (2013). Autophagy activity contributes to programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans. Autophagy 9, 1975-1982.

13. Li, W., Zou, W., Yang, Y., Chai, Y., Chen, B., Cheng, S., Tian, D., Wang, X., Vale, R.D., and Ou, G. (2012). Autophagy genes function sequentially to promote apoptotic cell corpse degradation in the engulfing cell. J Cell Biol 197, 27-35.



研究方向 生殖发育与生殖健康 邮箱 chengshiya@126.com
职称 教授 办公室地址
实验室地址 医学部9号楼