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邮          箱:Zhuyx@whu.edu.cn

职          称:教授


























  1. Huang G, Huang JQ, Chen XY,Zhu YX#. Recent advances and future perspectives in cotton research.Annual Review of Plant Biology72:2.1–2.26. IF: 26.379 引用:2

  2. Wen XP, Huang G, Li CY andZhu YX#(2021) A Malvaceae-specific miRNA targeting the newly duplicated GaZIP1L to regulate Zn2+ion transporter capacity in cotton ovules.Sci. china life Sci.,64:339-351. IF: 6.038 引用: 0

  3. Huang G, Wu Z, Percy RG, Bai M, Li Y, Frelichowski JE, Hu J, Wang K, Yu, JZ,Zhu YX#(2020) Genome sequence of Gossypium herbaceum and genome updates of Gossypium arboreum and Gossypium hirsutum provide insights into cotton A-genome evolution.Nature Genetics., 52:515-524. IF: 38.33 引用: 39

  4. Wang, K., Wang, D., Zheng, X., Qin, A., Zhou, J., Guo, B., Chen, Y., Wen, X., Ye, W., Zhou, Y.,Zhu, YX#(2019). Multi-strategic RNA-seq analysis reveals a high-resolution transcriptional landscape in cotton.Nature Communications, 10: 4714. IF: 14.919 引用: 15

  5. Zhang YZ, Jiao Y, Jiao HY, Zhao HB,Zhu YX#. (2017) Two-step functional innovation of the stem-cell factors WUS/WOX5 during plant evolution.Mol. Biol. Evol.34: 640-653. IF:16.24 引用: 23

  6. Li, F.G., Fan, G.Y., Lu, C.R., Xiao, G.H., Zou, C.S., Kohel, R.J., Ma, Z.Y., Shang, H.H., Ma, X.F., Wu, J.Y., Liang, X.M., Huang, G., Percy, R.G., Liu, K., Yang, W.H., Chen, W.B., Du, X.M., Shi, C.C., Yuan, Y.L., Ye, W.W., Liu, X., Zhang, X.Y., Liu, W.Q., Wei, H.L., Wei, S.J., Huang, G.D., Zhang, X.L., Zhu, S.J., Zhang, H., Sun, F.M., Wang, X.F., Liang, J., Wang, J.H., He, Q., Huang, L.H., Wang, J., Cui, J.J., Song, G.L., Wang, K.B., Xu, X., Yu, J.Z.,Zhu, Y.X#., Yu S.X.. (2015) Genome sequence of cultivated Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutumTM-1) provides insights into genome evolution.Nat.Biotechnol, 33: 524-530. IF: 54.908 引用: 635

  7. Zhang, Y.Z., Jiao, Y., Liu, Z.H.,Zhu, Y.X#. ROW1 maintains quiescent centre identity by confining WOX5 expression to specific cells.Nature Communications 2015 doi: 10.1038/ncomms7003. IF:14.919引用: 81

  8. Li, F.G., Fan, G.Y., Wang, K.B., Sun, F.M., Yuan, Y.L., Song, G.L., Li, Q., Ma, Z.Y.,Lu,C.R., Zou, C.S., Chen, W.B., Liang, X.M., Shang, H.H., Liu, W.G., Shi, C.C., Xiao, G.H., Gou, C.Y., Ye, W.W., Xu, X., Zhang, X.Y., Wei, H.L., Li, Z.F., Zhang, G.Y., Wang, J.Y., Liu, K. Kohel, R.J.,Percy, R.G., Yu, J.Z.,Zhu,Y.X#., Wang, J. Yu, S.X..Genome sequence of the cultivated cotton Gossypium arboreum .Nature Genetics 46 (2014), 567-572.IF:38.33引用:594

  9. Li, Q., Xiao, G. H., andZhu, Y. X#.Single-nucleotide resolution mapping of theGossypium raimondiitranscriptome reveals a new mechanism for alternative splicing of introns.Molecular Plant, 7 (2014), 829-840.IF:13.164引用: 44

  10. Wang, K. B., Wang, Z. W., Li, F. G., Ye, W. W., Wang, J. Y., Song, G. L., Yue, Z., Cong, L.,Shang, H.H.,Zhu, S. L., Zou, C. S., Li, Q., Yuan, Y. L., Lu, C. R., Wei, H. L., Gou, C. Y., Zheng, Z. Q., Yin, Y., Zhang,X. Y., Liu, K., Wang, B., Song, C., Shi, N., Kohel, R. J., Percy, R. G., Yu, J. Z.,Zhu, Y. X#., Wang, J. andYu, S. X. The draft genome of a diploid cottonGossypium raimondii.Nature Genetics (Nat. Genet.) 44 (2012), 1098-1103. IF: 38.33引用: 707

  11. Pang, C.Y., Wang, H., Pang, Y., Xu, C., Jiao, Y., Qin, Y.M., Western, T.L., Yu, S.X. andZhu,Y.X#. Comparative proteomics indicate that biosynthesis of pectic precursors is important for cotton fiber and Arabidopsis root hair elongation.Molecular Cellular Proteomics (Mol. Cell. Proteomics), 9 (2010), 2019-2033. IF:5.911 引用: 129

  12. Han, P., Li, Q. andZhu, Y. X#. Mutation of Arabidopsis BARD1 causes meristem defects by failing toconfine WUSCHEL expression to the organizing center.Plant Cell 20 (2008), 1482-1493. IF: 11.277引用: 61

  13. Qin, Y. M., Hu, C. Y., Pang, Y., Kastaniotis, A. J., Hiltunen, J. K. andZhu, Y. X#. Saturated very-long-chain fatty acids promote cotton fiber and Arabidopsis cell elongation by activating ethylene biosynthesis.Plant Cell 19 (2007), 3692-3704. IF:11.277 引用:197

  14. Qu, L. J. andZhu, Y. X#. Transcription factor families inArabidopsis: major progress and outstanding issues for future research. Curr. Opin.Plant Biol. (CURR OPIN PLANT BIOL) 9 (2006), 544-549. IF: 7.834引用: 141

  15. Shi, Y. H., Zhu, S. W., Mao, X., Feng, J. X., Qin, Y. M., Zhang, L., Cheng, J., Wei, L., Wang, Z. Y. andZhu, Y. X#. Transcriptome profiling, molecular biological and physiological studies reveal a major role for ethylene in cotton fiber cell elongation.Plant Cell 18 (2006), 651-664. IF:11.277 引用: 466

  16. Qin, Y. M., Pujol, F. M. A., Shi, Y. H., Feng, J. X., Liu, Y. M., Kastaniotis, A. J., Hiltunen, J. K. andZhu,Y. X#. Cloning and functional characterization of two cDNAs encoding NADPH-dependent 3-ketoacyl-CoA reductases from developing cotton fibers.Cell Res. 15 (2005), 465-473. IF: 25.617 引用:44

  17. Gong, W., Sun, Y. P., Ma, L. G., Pan, Y., Du, Y. L., Wang, D. H., Yang, J. Y., Hu, L. D., Liu, X. F., Dong, C. X., Ma, L., Chen, Y. H., Yang, X. Y., Gao, Y., Zhu, D. M., Tan, X. L., Mu, J. Y., Zhang, D. B., Liu, Y. L., Dinesh-Kumar, S. P., Li, Y., Wang, X. P., Gu, H. Y., Qu, L. J., Bai, S. N., Lu, Y. T., Li, J. Y., Zhao, J. D., Zuo, J. R., Huang, H., Deng, X. W. andZhu, Y. X#. Genome-wide ORFeome cloning and analysis of Arabidopsis transcription factor genes.Plant Physiol. 135 (2004), 773-782. IF: 8.34 引用: 236

  18. Ji, S. J., Lu, Y. C., Feng, J. X., Wei, G., Li, J., Shi, Y. H., Fu, Q., Liu, D., Luo, J. C. andZhu, Y. X#.Isolation and analyses of genes preferentially expressed during early cotton fiber development by subtractive PCR and cDNA array.Nucleic Acids Res. 31 (2003), 2534-2543. IF:16.971 引用:225

  19. Zhu, Y. X*., Tepperman, J. M., Fairchild, C. and Quail, P. H. Phytochrome B binds with greater apparent affinity than phytochrome A to the basic helix-loop-helix factor PIF3 in a reaction requiring the PAS domain of PIF3. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. (P NATL ACAD SCI USA) 97 (2000), 13419-13424. IF: 11.205 引用: 113


研究方向 棉花基因组、比较基因组及演化研究;棉纤维发育功能基因组学和拟南芥转录调控因子研究 邮箱 Zhuyx@whu.edu.cn
职称 教授 办公室地址
实验室地址 武汉大学生命科学学院5102室