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Xiang Zhou




2021-Present Professor, Taikang Center for Life and Medical Sciences, Wuhan University

2001-Present Professor, College of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University  

1998-2001   Postdoctor, University Maryland, College Park

1996-1998   Postdoctor, University of Virginia

1996      PhD The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1989      MS Wuhan University

1986      BS Wuhan University


Chemical Biology of Nucleic acids. Design and synthesis small molecules targeting to nucleic acids:recognition and interaction of nucleic acids with small molecules; the biological studies of G-quadruplex DNA; anti-tumor drug discovery. Chemical modification of nucleic acids.

Representative  Publications

1. Detection, Clinical Application, and Manipulation of RNA Modifications,J. Mo, X. C. Weng* and X. Zhou,* Acc. Chem. Res., 2023, 56, 2788−2800.

2. The Transcriptome-Wide Mapping of 2‑Methylthio‑N6‑ isopentenyladenosine at Single-Base Resolution, Z. T. Fang, Z. A. Lu, S. Q. Han, Y. Y. Zhou, W, Yang, X. L. Zhang, and X. Zhou,*  J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023, 145, 5467−5473.

3. Antibody-Free Fluorine-Assisted Metabolic Sequencing of RNA N4‑Acetylcytidine, S, Yan, Z. A. Lu, W. Yang, J. L. Xu, Y. F. Wang, W. Xiong, R. J. Zhu, L. N. Ren, Z. X. Chen, Q. Wei, S. M. Liu, T. Feng, B. F. Yuan, X. C. Weng, Y. H. Du,* and X. Zhou,* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023, 145, 22232−22242.

4. Transcriptome-wide profiling of A-to-I RNA editing by Slic-seq, Q. Wei1, S. Q. Han, K. X. Yuan, Z. Y. He, Y. Q. Chen, X.Xi, J. Y. Han, S. Yan, Y. Y. Chen, B. F. Yuan, X. C. Weng * and X. Zhou,* Nucleic Acids Res., 2023, 51, e87.

5. H. M. Su, J. L. Xu, , Y. Q. Chen, , Q. Wang, , Z. A. Lu, Y. G. Chen, K. Chen, S. Q. Han, Z. T. Fang,  P. Wang, B. F. Yuan and X. Zhou,* Photoactive G‑Quadruplex Ligand Identifies Multiple G‑Quadruplex Related Proteins with Extensive Sequence Tolerance in the Cellular Environment, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 1917-1923.

6. Base Resolution Analysis of Deoxyuridine at the Genome Scale Based on the Artificial Incorporation M odified Nucleobase, Y. F. Wang, X. Zhang, S. Q. Han, W. Yang, Z. G. Chen, F. Wu, J. Z. Liu, X. C. Weng,* Zhou, X.* ACS Cent. Sci., 2021, 7, 973-979. (Cover)

7. Chemical methods and advanced sequencing technologies for deciphering mRNA modifications, Y. F. Wang, X. Zhang, H. Liu and X. Zhou,* Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021, 50, 13481–13497.

8. A longitudinal sampling study of transcriptomic and epigenetic profiles in patients with thrombocytopenia syndrome, Y. F. Wang, S. Q. Han, R. X Ran, A. L. Li, H. Y. Liu, M. J. Liu, Y. W. Duan, X. Zhang, Z. G. Zhao, S. H. Song, X. C. Weng*, S. M. Liu* and X. Zhou,* Nat. Commun., 2021, 12:5629.

9. Enzymatic deamination of the epigenetic nucleoside N6 -methyladenosine regulates gene expression, Z. R. Jiang, C. Wang, Z. X. Wu, K. Chen, W. Yang, H. X. Deng*, H. Song*and X. Zhou,* Nucleic Acids Res., 2021, 49, 12048–12068.

10. Keth-seq for transcriptome-wide RNA structure mapping. X. C. Weng, J. Gong, Y. Chen, T. Wu, F. Wang, S. X. Yang, Y. S. Yuan, G. Z. Luo, K. Chen, L. L. Hu, H. H. Ma, P. L. Wang, Q. F. C. Zhang,* X. Zhou,* C. He,* Nat. Chem Biol., 2020, 16, 489-492.

11. Efficient Separation of Nucleic Acids with Different Secondary Structures by Metal–Organic Frameworks. S. Peng, B. L. Bie, H. N. Jia, H. Tang, X. Zhang, Y. Q. Sun, Q. Wei, F. Wu, Y. S. Yuan, H. X. Deng,* X. Zhou,* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2020, 142, 11, 5049-5059.

12. Conditional control of RNA-guided nucleic acid cleavage and gene editing. S. R. Wang, L. Y. Wu, H. Y. Huang, W. Xiong, J. Liu, L. Wei, P. Yin, T. Tian,* X. Zhou,* Nat. Commun., 2020, 11:91.