E-mail: liuyong31279@whu.edu.cn Website:
Dr. Yong Liu received his Bachelor and Master degrees in Biochemistry from Peking University in 1986 and 1989, respectively. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1995 in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey and UMDNJ-RWJ Medical School. After his post-doctoral training at University of California, Santa Barbara from 1995 to 2000, Dr. Liu worked as a Senior Scientist at the Immunology Section of AlleCure/Mankind Corp., a California-based biotechnology company. In 2003, Dr. Liu joined the Institute for Nutritional Sciences as a Principal Investigator at SIBS, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai. In 2015, he joined the College of Life Sciences at Wuhan University as a Professor.
Dr. Liu’s research focuses on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that link cellular ER stress to the pathogenesis of metabolic and inflammatory diseases. In particular, his research group aims to elucidate the role of the ER stress sensing IRE1α machinery in obesity, diabetes, NASH, sarcopenia as well as certain cancers.
Representative Publications
1) Chen Y, Wu Z, Huang S, Wang X, He SJ, Liu L, Hu Y, Chen L, Chen P, Liu S, He SQ, Shan B, Zheng L, Duan S, Song Z, Jiang L, Wang QA, Gan Z, Song BL, Liu J, Rui LY, Shan M, Liu Y*. (2022) Adipocyte IRE1α promotes PGC1α mRNA decay and restrains adaptive thermogenesis. Nat Metab. 4, 1166-1184.
2) Li Y, Huang S, Wang J, Dai J, Cai J, Yan S, He S, Wang P, Jianmiao Liu J, Liu Y*. (2022) Phosphorylation at Ser724 of the ER stress sensor IRE1α governs its activation state and limits ER stress-induced hepatosteatosis. J Biol Chem. 298(6):101997.
3) Cai J, Zhang X, Chen P, Li Y, Liu S, Liu Q, Zhang H, Wu Z, Song K, Liu J, Shan B*, Liu Y*. (2022) The ER stress sensor inositol-requiring enzyme 1α in Kupffer cells promotes hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury. J Biol Chem. 298(1):101532.
4) He S, Fu T, Yu Y, Liang Q, Li L, Liu J, Zhang X, Zhou Q, Guo Q, Xu D, Chen Y, Wang X, Chen Y, Liu J, Gan Z, Liu Y*. (2021) IRE1α regulates skeletal muscle regeneration through Myostatin mRNA decay. J Clin Invest. 131(17):e143737.
5) Zhao P, Huang P, Xu T, Xiang X, Sun Y, Liu J, Yan C, Wang L, Gao J, Cui S, Wang X, Zhan L, Song H, Liu J, Song W*, Liu Y*. (2021) Fat body Ire1 regulates lipid homeostasis through the Xbp1s-FoxO axis in Drosophila. iScience. 24(8):102819.
6) Liu L, Cai J, Wang H, Liang X, Zhou Q, Ding C, Zhu Y, Fu T, Guo Q, Xu Z, Xiao L, Liu J, Yin Y, Fang L, Xue B, Wang Y, Meng ZX, He A, Li JL, Liu Y, Chen XW*, Gan Z*. (2019) Coupling of COPII vesicle trafficking to nutrient availability by the IRE1α-XBP1s axis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 116(24):11776-11785.
7) Huang S, Xing Y. and Liu Y*. (2019) Emerging roles for the ER stress sensor IRE1α in metabolic regulation and disease. J Biol. Chem. 294(49) 18726–18741. (Review)
8) Yan C, Liu J, Gao J, Sun Y, Zhang L, Song H, Xue L, Zhan L, Gao G, Ke Z, Liu Y*, Liu J*. (2019) IRE1 promotes neurodegeneration through autophagy-dependent neuron death in the Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease. Cell Death Dis. 10(11):800.
9) Wu Y, Shan B, Dai J, Xia Z, Cai J, Chen T, Lv S, Feng Y, Zheng L, Wang Y, Liu J, Fang J, Xie D, Rui L, Liu J, Liu Y*. (2018) Dual Role for Inositol-requiring Enzyme 1α in Promoting the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma during Diet-induced Obesity. Hepatology 68:533-546.
10) Shan B, Wang X, Wu Y, Xu C, Xia Z, Dai J, Shao M, Zhao F, He S, Yang L, Zhang M, Nan F, Li J, Liu J, Liu J, Jia W, Qiu Y, Song B, Han JJ, Rui L, Duan SZ*, Liu Y*. (2017) The Metabolic ER Stress Sensor IRE1α Suppresses Alternative Activation of Macrophages to Impair Energy Expenditure in Obesity. Nat Immunol. 18:519-529.
(Highlighted in News and Views, Nature Immunol. 18:479-480, 2017; Preview, Mol Cell 66:731-733, 2017; Nat Rev Immunol. 17:277, 2017; Nat Rev Endocrinol. 13:315, 2017)
11) Xiao Y, Xia T, Yu J, Deng Y, Liu H, Liu B, Chen S, Liu Y*, Guo F*. (2016) Knockout of inositol-requiring enzyme 1α in pro-opiomelanocortin neurons decreases fat mass via increasing energy expenditure. Open Biol. 6(8). pii: 160131.
12) Wu J, Yang L, Li S, Huang P, Liu Y*, Wang Y*, Tang H*. (2016) Metabolomics Insights into the Modulatory Effects of Long-Term Low Calorie Intake in Mice. J Proteome Res. 15:2299-308.
13) Qiu Y*, Shan B, Yang L, Liu Y*. (2016) Adipose tissue macrophage in immune regulation of metabolism. Sci China Life Sci. 59:1232-1240. Review.
14) Liu Y, Shao M, Wu Y, Yan C, Jiang S, Liu J, Dai J, Yang L, Li J, Jia W, Rui L, Liu Y*. (2015) Role for the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Sensor IRE1α in Liver Regenerative Responses. J Hepatol. 62:590-98.
15) Zhang HS, Chen Y, Fan L, Xi QL, Wu GH, Li XX, Yuan TL, He SQ, Yu Y, Shao ML, Liu Y, Bai CG, Ling ZQ, Li M, Liu Y*, Fang J*. (2015) The Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Sensor IRE1α in Intestinal Epithelial Cells Is Essential for Protecting against Colitis. J Biol Chem. 290:15327-36.
16) Jiang S, Yan C, Fang QC, Shao ML, Zhang YL, Liu Y, Deng YP, Shan B, Liu JQ, Li HT, Yang L, Zhou J, Dai Z, Liu Y*, Jia WP*. (2014) Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Is Regulated by the IRE1α-XBP1 Branch of the Unfolded Protein Response and Counteracts ER stress-induced Hepatic Steatosis. J Biol Chem. 289:29751-65.
(Selected as one of the Best JBC Papers of the Year)
17) Xu T, Yang L, Yan C, Wang X, Huang P, Zhao F, Zhao L, Zhang M, Jia W, Wang X*, Liu Y*. (2014) The IRE1α-XBP1 pathway regulates metabolic stress-induced compensatory proliferation of pancreatic β-cells. Cell Res. 24:1137-40.
18) Shao M, Shan B, Liu Y, Deng Y, Yan C, Wu Y, Mao T, Qiu Y, Zhou Y, Jiang S, Jia W, Li J, Li J, Rui L, Yang L, Liu Y*. (2014) Hepatic IRE1α regulates fasting-induced metabolic adaptive programs through the XBP1s-PPARα axis signalling. Nat Commun. 5:3528.
19) Zhang Q, Liu B, Cheng Y, Meng Q, Xia T, Jiang L, Chen S, Liu Y*, Guo F*. (2014) Leptin signaling is required for leucine deprivation-enhanced energy expenditure. J Biol Chem. 289:1779-87.
20) Zhang C, Li S, Yang L, Huang P, Li W, Wang S, Zhao G, Zhang M, Pang X, Yan Z, Liu Y*, Zhao L*. (2013) Structural modulation of gut microbiota in life-long calorie-restricted mice. Nat Commun. 4:2163.
21) Zhang Y, Gan Z, Huang P, Zhou L, Mao T, Shao M, Jiang X, Chen Y, Ying H, Cao M, Li J, Li J, Zhang WJ, Yang L, Liu Y*. (2012) A Role for Protein Inhibitor of Activated STAT1 (PIAS1) in Lipogenic Regulation through SUMOylation-independent Suppression of Liver X Receptors. J Biol Chem. 287(45):37973-85.
22) Yu Y, Sun Y, He S, Yan C, Rui L, Li W, Liu Y*. (2012) Neuronal Cbl controls biosynthesis of insulin-like peptides in Drosophila melanogaster. Mol Cell Biol. 32:3610-23.
23) Zhou B, Yang L, Li S, Huang J, Chen H, Hou L, Wang J, Green CD, Yan Z, Huang X, Kaeberlein M, Zhu L, Xiao H, Liu Y* and Han JD*. (2012) Midlife Gene Expressions Identify Modulators of Aging through Dietary Interventions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Plus 109:E1201-9.
24) Mao T, Shao M, Qiu Y, Huang J, Zhang Y, Song B, Wang Q, Jiang L, Liu Yi, Han JD, Cao P, Li J, Gao X, Rui L, Qi L, Li W and Liu Y*. (2011) PKA Phosphorylation Couples Hepatic IRE1a to Glucagon Signaling in Glucose Metabolism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 108:15852-7.
25) Yang L, Zhao L, Gan Z, He Z, Xu J, Gao X, Wang X, Han W, Chen L, Xu T, Li W*, Liu Y*. (2010) Deficiency in RNA editing enzyme ADAR2 impairs regulated exocytosis. FASEB J. 24:3720-32.
26) Wang Q, Li S, Jiang L, Zhou Y, Li Z, Shao M, Li W, Liu Y*. (2010) Deficiency in hepatic ATP-citrate lyase affects VLDL-triglyceride mobilization and liver fatty acid compositions of mice. J. Lipid Res. 51:2516-26.
27) You J, Yu Y, Jiang L, Li W, Yu X, Gonzalez L, Yang G, Ke Z, Li W, Li C* and Liu Y*. (2010) Tyr985 signaling of leptin receptor as an age/diet-dependent switch in regulation of energy balance. Mol. Cell. Biol. 30:1650-9.
(Highlighted by Editor’s Choice, Science 139, 141, 2010 and Science Signaling 3, ec95, 2010)
28) Song W, Ren D, Li W, Jiang L, Cho KW, Huang P, Fan C, Song Y, Liu Y* and Rui L*. (2010) SH2B Regulation of Growth, Metabolism, and Longevity in Both Insects and Mammals. Cell Metab. 11:427-37.
29) Qiu Y, Mao T, Zhang Y, Shao M, You J, Ding Q, Chen Y, Wu D, Xie D, Lin X, Gao X, Kaufman RJ, Li W*, Liu Y*. (2010) A crucial role for RACK1 in regulation of glucose-stimulated IRE1α activation in pancreatic β-cells. Sci. Signal. 3, ra7.
(Highlighted in Perspective, Science Signaling 3, pe7, 2010)
30) Wang Q, Jiang L, Wang J, Li S, Yu Y, You J, Zeng R, Gao X, Rui L, Li W and Liu Y*. (2009) Abrogation of hepatic ATP-citrate lyase protects against fatty liver and ameliorates hyperglycemia in leptin receptor-deficient mice. Hepatology 49:1166-75.
31) Jiang L, You J, Yu X, Gonzalez L, Yu Y, Wang Q, Yang G, Li W, Li C*, Liu Y*. (2008) Tyrosine-dependent and -independent actions of leptin receptor in control of energy balance and glucose homeostasis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105: 18619-24.
(Highlighted by Nature China, 2008)
32) Qi Q, Yu Z, Ye X, Zhao F, Huang P, Hu F, Franco OH, Wang J, Li H, Liu Y*, Lin X*. (2007) Elevated retinol-binding protein 4 levels are associated with metabolic syndrome in Chinese people. J. Clin. Endocr. Metab. 92:4827-34.
33) Gan Z, Zhao L, Yang L, Huang P, Zhao F, Li W, Liu Y*. (2006) RNA editing by ADAR2 is metabolically regulated in pancreatic islets and β-cells. J. Biol. Chem. 281:33386-94.