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Hong received his PhD degree from School of Medicine, Zhejiang University in 2018. Then, he worked as a postdoctoral scholar at University of California, San Diego from 2019-2023. Since May 2023, he has been serving as the Professor and Principal Investigator (PI) at Hubei Key laboratory of Cell homeostasis, College of Life Sciences, TaiKang Center for life and medical sciences, Wuhan University. The research focus of his group is Metabolic diseases with Intercellular Communications (MIC Lab).


The coordinated function of various organs in the body largely depends on intercellular communication, which occurs constantly through various mechanisms. Therefore, deciphering the language of intercellular communication is a crucial aspect of understanding the integral functionality of cells. This challenge is not only important but highly intriguing. Our research begins with a focus on metabolic diseases, primarily targeting the liver, adipose tissue, pancreas, and related immune cells. We employ extracellular vesicles, secreted proteins, trace elements and mechanical force as tools, combined with extensive multi-omics data analysis, to explore how cells play dual roles as workers (maintaining their own functions) and managers (releasing and receiving communication substances) in the development of metabolic diseases. The answers to this question will contribute to a holistic understanding of the pathological mechanisms underlying metabolic diseases and provide new insights and evaluation systems for identifying therapeutic targets.

Representative  Publications

(1) Hong Gao*, Zhongmou Jin, Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Gaowei Wang, Dinghong Zhang, Karina Cunha e Rocha, Xiao Liu, Huayi Zhao, Tatiana Kisseleva, David A. Brenner, Michael Karin*, Wei Ying* (2022) Aberrant iron distribution via hepatocyte-stellate cell axis drives liver lipogenesis and fibrosis. Cell Metabolism.

(2) Hong Gao, Zhongmou Jin, Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Karina Cunha e Rocha, Xiao Liu, Huayi Zhao, Dinghong Zhang, Hani Jouihan, Soheil Pourshahian, Tatiana Kisseleva, David A. Brenner, Wei Ying*, Jerrrold M. Olefsky* (2022) MiR-690 Treatment Causes Decreased Fibrosis, Steatosis and Restores Kupffer Cell Function in NASH. Cell Metabolism.

(3) Wei Ying#*, Hong Gao#, Felipe Castellani Gomes Dos Reis, Gautam Bandyopadhyay, Jachelle M. Ofrecio, Zhenlong Luo, Yudong Ji, Zhongmou Jin, Crystal Ly, Jerrold M. Olefsky* (2021) M2-polarized macrophage-derived exosomal miRNAs can improve insulin sensitivity in obesity. Cell Metabolism, DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.12.019

(4) Hong Gao, Zhenlong Luo, Yudong Ji, Zhongmou Jin, Crystal Ly, Wei Ying*. (2022) A CRIg+ macrophage-dependent defense against gut microbial DNA containing extracellular vesicles-induced islet inflammation. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28239-2

(5) Hong Gao#, Lu Zhao#, Hao Wang, Enjun Xie, Xinhui Wang, Qian Wu, Yingying Yu, Xuyan He, Hongbin Ji, Lothar Rink, Junxia Min* and Fudi Wang* (2017) The metal transporter Slc39a10 regulates susceptibility to inflammatory stimuli by controlling macrophage survival. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. doi:10.1073/pnas.1708018114

(6) Hong Gao#, Zhongmou Jin#, Kechun Tang#, Yudong Ji, Jorge Suarez, Jorge A. Suarez, Karina Cunha e Rocha, Dinghong Zhang, Wolfgang H. Dillmann, Sushil K. Mahata* and Wei Ying* (2021) Microbial DNA enrichment promotes adrenomedullary inflammation, catecholamine secretion, and hypertension in obese mice. Journal of the American Heart Association. DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.121.024561

(7) Hong Gao, Zhenlong Luo, Zhongmou Jin, Yudong Ji, Wei Ying* (2021) Adipose tissue macrophages modulate obesity-Associated β cell adaptations through secreted miRNA-containing extracellular vesicles. Cells. doi: 10.3390/cells10092451

(8) Hong Gao#, Wei Dai#, Lu Zhao*, Junxia Min*, Fudi Wang* (2018) The Role of Zinc and zinc homeostasis in Macrophage function. Journal of Immunology Research.

(9) Xinhui Wang#, Hong Gao#, Wenhui Wu, Enjun Xie, Yingying Yu, Xuyan He, Jin Li, Wanru Zheng, Xudong Wang, Xizhi Cao, Zhuoxian Meng, Ligong Chen, Junxia Min, Fudi Wang (2018) The Zinc Transporter Slc39a5 Controls Glucose Sensing and Insulin Secretion in Pancreatic Β-Cells Via Sirt1- and Pgc-1α-Mediated Regulation of Glut2. Protein&Cell.

(10) Yongjuan Xin#, Hong Gao#, Jia Wang#, Yuzhen Qiang, Mustapha Umar Imam, Yang Li, Jianyao Wang, Ruochen Zhang, Huizhen Zhang, Yingying Yu, Hao Wang, Haiyang Luo, Changhe Shi, Yuming Xu, Shintaro Hojyo, Toshiyuki Fukada, Junxia Min, Fudi Wang (2017) Manganese transporter Slc39a14 deficiency revealed its key role in maintaining manganese homeostasis in mice. Cell Discovery, doi:10.1038/celldisc.2017.25