Pharmaceutical chemistry and synthetic biology

time: 2022-10-21  author: 鄢洁莹

Focusing on the development needs of the "Healthy China" strategy, focusing on key scientific issues in modern medicine and the big health industry, and combining theories and technologies in life sciences, chemistry, pharmacy, information science, and artificial intelligence, conducting research in pharmaceutical chemistry and synthetic biology. By developing modern biotechnology, we aim to promote the development of the microbial pharmaceutical industry. The ultimate goal is to reduce production costs, shorten product cycles, reduce energy consumption, and achieve green synthesis and sustainable development.

1. Drug development: Carry out the construction of small molecule compound libraries and screening platforms for antibacterial, anti-tumor, cardiovascular disease, and antiviral activities. Taking new targeted small molecule drugs as the starting point, develop new and efficient innovative small molecule drugs for major tumor diseases and sudden epidemic diseases; Establish a high-throughput macromolecular drug library to achieve in vitro screening and rapid discovery of novel macromolecular drugs (nucleic acids, proteins, polysaccharides, etc.); Using artificial intelligence and machine learning to guide the design and development of novel drug molecules.

2. Research on artificial synthetic organisms: By utilizing synthetic biology techniques to analyze life processes, targeted design and modification of organisms can be carried out. Through engineering system design, using standardized and modular elements to construct artificial synthetic biological systems, scientifically and efficiently establish and improve new models for optimal production and innovation of microbial drugs.